The following investors hold more than 5% of the company’s shares:
Selfinvest Family Office was established in 2015 as investment company and service provider for Torben Østergaard-Nielsen and his family.
The following investors hold more than 5% of the company’s shares:
Selfinvest Family Office was established in 2015 as investment company and service provider for Torben Østergaard-Nielsen and his family.
Return ApS is owned by Bawat’s Chairman of the Board Klaus Nyborg.
Homarus Holding A/S is owned by the founder of Bawat, Jan S. Hummer.
MP Investment Management A/S is owned by MP Pension Fund, a member owned pension fund with more than 100,000 members, mainly Master of Arts, Psychologists and High School Teachers. MP Investment Management A/S has more than 55 years' experience with fund management.
Friheden Invest A/S is a family office founded by Niels Martinsen